Living Learning Communities

Living Learning Communities

Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are programs in the residence halls that bring students together who share the same academic background, major, or interest. LLCs are for first-year students and offers them the opportunity to live together on the same floor. LLCs receive support from specific departments based upon majors, general areas of study, and general interests.

Why an LLC?

Students in LLCs have access to a staff or faculty mentor that works to connect students to their academic background, major, or interest. Mentors connect with students in their residence hall, around campus, and even during off campus events. In addition, LLC students enjoy:

  • Easier college transition
  • Better class attendance
  • Broader campus involvement
  • Higher average GPA
  • Elevated graduation rates

What kinds of LLCs does UNT offer?

Individual LLCs vary from one year to another.  You can learn more about each LLC from their individual descriptions. 
Historically, there have been LLCs for Music and Jazz, Science, Engineering, Art, Education, Media Arts, Journalism, Mass Communication, Service, Business, Health Professions, Merchandising, Psychology, and Pre-Law.

How do I join?

Login to eHousing to apply for housing. When you reach the “Select Application Year and Type” step, select the option “I’m applying for a Living Learning Community,” and select the LLC that suits you best when you are presented with the drop-down list.  More info on the LLC application process is available. 

Find more answers on the LLC FAQ page or contact Housing for more information.